
Distance & Elevation Gain

Distance and elevation gain is noted for each adventure.

Unless specifically noted otherwise, MILES indicates total distance (including the return half of out-and-back routes) and FEET indicates total accumulated elevation gain. Together, these figures are a good general measure of an adventure's difficulty.

Also note that elevation profiles illustrate the entire distance for loops, but only the 'out' half of out-and-back routes.

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All original text, images and any other original content on WildernessBrandon.com is the exclusive property of its author and may not be published, copied, reused, distributed or reproduced without permission.

The information presented on this website is the opinion of its author and is not a substitute for professional guidance or advice. Consult a medical professional before attempting any physical activity or exercise, and do not exceed your physical capabilities. Outdoor adventures and exercise are potentially dangerous. Be prepared, be smart and be safe. By viewing, accessing or otherwise using any information on this website including links to any information, you acknowledge and understand that its author, publisher or anyone else is not liable or responsible for your use of that information, including the manner in which you choose to use that information and the consequences, direct or indirect, of that use.
You use any information, GPS data, files or links on this website at your own risk.